MediaLoggers need a vacation, too! The MediaLog is taking a week-long break for Labor Day. There will be no new postings between today and Monday, September 11. On that day, regular postings will resume.
As a result, the final commentaries on Game Show Network's "50 Greatest Game Shows of All Time" as well as the final tiers of the MediaLog Movies 100 will not appear until after Sept. 11. Of course, many other things will also appear after that, and here are a few previews of upcoming attractions for the autumn:
Immediately upon returning from holiday, the MediaLog will have a special feature commemorating the fifth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on NYC and Washington entitled "The Popular Culture of 9/11: A Look Back and a Current Assessment on the Fifth Anniversary." Shortly after that, a brand new regular feature called "The MediaLog Weekend MediaScape" will debut; it will be posted on most Fridays and will consist of a round-up of information regarding the coming weekend's media highlights, including TV and new movie recommendations, new DVD and CD releases for the following Tuesday, a summary of significant media and entertainment news from the week ending, and a few other fun elements. Later in the fall, a multi-part series of posts on the early history of the comic strip "Peanuts," the MediaLog Music 25 (a countdown similar to the Movies 100, only on rock music albums), and other fascinating articles will appear.
If you are a new reader (and even if you are not), please feel free to use the Labor Day hiatus to explore the old postings in the MediaLog archive, and/or leave comments or send e-mail to me, Chris the MediaLogger. When the MediaLog resumes, you might just decide to come back and see what's new!
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